In Civilization VI, a Science Victory is one of the most rewarding—and challenging—paths to victory. It requires mastering the tech tree, building up your infrastructure, and launching a successful space program to reach the stars. The journey to a Science Victory is often long, requiring strategic planning and a steady investment in research, production, and diplomacy. Here’s your comprehensive guide to achieving a Science Victory in Civ VI.

1. Early Game: Establishing a Strong Foundation
In the early game, your goal is to build a strong economy, secure key resources, and establish the infrastructure needed to advance through the tech tree quickly. Here’s how to start:
- Focus on Science Early: Build Campuses in your cities as soon as possible. The Campus district is your main source of science, and getting a few of them up early can drastically boost your research output. Place them next to mountains or rainforests for adjacency bonuses.
- Scout and Expand: You need to explore early to find high-value city locations. Look for areas with abundant resources (such as iron, aluminum, or niter) and areas that offer natural wonders or science adjacency bonuses (mountains, rainforests, and geothermal fissures).
- Research Key Technologies: Early on, prioritize key technologies like Writing (to unlock Campuses), Bronze Working (for Iron and early military), and Mathematics (for the Campus adjacency bonus from mountains). Don’t forget to aim for Education, which unlocks the University and boosts your science output.
- Civics for Science: Focus on civics that provide boosts to your science output. Classical Republic and Monarchy both offer policy slots that can enhance your science infrastructure. Also, adopt civics that unlock useful policies for boosting your research, such as Rationalism (which greatly improves science from your specialists and building).
- Early Wonders: Wonders can give you a strong scientific edge, so try to build wonders like:
- The Great Library: Provides additional science and free tech boosts.
- Oracle: Helps generate Great Scientist points and increases the effectiveness of your Great People.
2. Mid-Game: Advancing Through the Tech Tree and Gaining Key Advantages
In the mid-game, your focus should shift to advancing through the technology tree as quickly as possible while maintaining a strong economy and military. Here’s how to manage this phase:
- Build Research Infrastructure: As soon as you can, start building Universities in your cities to increase your science output. Try to get Libraries in place early, too. Research Labs will further boost your science output as you approach the Industrial Era.
- Science from Great People: Focus on acquiring Great Scientists who can provide valuable boosts to your tech progress. Prioritize Great Scientists who can provide you with direct boosts to science, such as Einstein or Newton. These will significantly reduce the time it takes to research key technologies.
- District Planning: By now, your empire should have a good number of Campuses, but consider adding Industrial Zones and Commercial Hubs to keep your economy strong and support the high cost of scientific buildings and units.
- Boost Your Production: To build your scientific infrastructure and spaceports efficiently, you need solid production. Construct Factories to boost production in your cities, especially in your capital and other high-population cities. Building Power Plants will help you maximize production efficiency.
- Get to the Spaceport: In the mid-game, one of the most important goals is to unlock Spaceports as soon as possible. The Spaceport is the launchpad for the Science Victory, and you need to start launching projects as soon as you have one available. These projects include sending Probes, building the Moon Landing, and eventually the Mars Colony projects.
- Use Spy Network to Sabotage Rivals: In the late-game, other civilizations may also be working toward a Science Victory, so be sure to use spies to disrupt their space programs. Spies can sabotage their Spaceports or other key infrastructure, delaying their progress and giving you a chance to catch up.
3. Late-Game: Reaching the Stars
Once you’ve established a strong scientific base, the late-game focuses on actually completing the projects required for a Science Victory. This stage is where you’ll race against other civilizations to complete the space race first.
- Spaceport Projects: The key to the Science Victory is completing space projects at your Spaceports:
- Launch Earth Satellite
- Moon Landing
- Mars Colony (and subsequent Exoplanet Expedition)
- Launch the Exoplanet Mission
Each of these projects takes time and resources to complete, so make sure you are continually building Spaceports in multiple cities to increase your chances of winning the space race.
- Maximize Science Output: By now, you should have Research Labs, Power Plants, and Factories in most cities, as well as Power Grid infrastructure for extra production. Rationalism policies should be in full effect, and you should be getting massive science boosts. Consider adopting Free Market and Space Race policies to give you extra boosts toward the space projects.
- Air Units and Nuclear Options: While you’re preparing your space projects, consider developing nuclear weapons as a backup in case another civilization tries to sabotage your efforts or if you need to deter them. Bombers and Missiles can also be used to delay enemy progress if they’re ahead in the space race.
- Don’t Overextend: You’re in the final stretch now, so be sure to avoid getting into costly wars that will distract from your technological progress. Focus on diplomacy if you can, making research agreements with friendly civilizations to accelerate your tech development.
- The Final Push: Once you’ve completed the Mars Colony, the Exoplanet Expedition is the last step toward victory. Once you launch this mission and it’s completed, your civilization will officially win a Science Victory.
4. Key Civs for Science Victory
Certain civilizations are better suited to achieving a Science Victory due to their unique abilities and units. Here are some of the best civilizations for the Science Victory:
- Korea (Seondeok): Korea’s Three Kingdoms ability provides extra science from mines and campus buildings, making them one of the strongest science civs in the game. Their Hwacha is also useful for defending your cities and preventing enemy civilizations from threatening your progress.
- Germany (Frederick Barbarossa): Germany’s Hanse district boosts production, which is essential for building space projects. They also have access to Military Units and U-Boats that can help defend your empire from aggressive neighbors.
- Sumeria (Gilgamesh): Sumeria’s ability to generate early Science from Eureka moments can help you race ahead in the early game. Their War-Cart units also provide a strong defense in the early game, giving you the time you need to build your scientific infrastructure.
- America (Theodore Roosevelt): America’s Extra Military Strength and National Parks (which give high appeal tiles and culture) work well with a high science output. Their Congress abilities can also allow you to push your technological advantages with Research Agreements.
5. Tips for Success
- Focus on the Tech Tree: Prioritize technologies that directly enhance your scientific capabilities, such as Scientific Theory, Astrology, and Robotics.
- Use Great Scientists: Try to recruit as many Great Scientists as you can to accelerate your progress. Some Great Scientists, such as Isaac Newton, provide huge science boosts for your entire civilization.
- Maintain a Balanced Economy: Make sure your empire has a strong economy to support your scientific endeavors. Build Commercial Hubs and Harbors to boost your income and ensure you have enough gold to purchase crucial buildings.
- Defend Your Spaceports: Make sure your spaceports are well-defended against possible enemy sabotage. Use Anti-Air Guns and Fighter Jets to protect your projects from enemy spies or bombers.
Achieving a Science Victory in Civilization VI requires careful management of your infrastructure, a focus on scientific research, and a relentless push toward space exploration. By building a strong economy, advancing through the tech tree efficiently, and launching your space projects, you can become the first civilization to reach the stars. Remember, while science is your primary focus, diplomacy and military might may also play crucial roles in ensuring your victory.
Good luck, and may you lead your civilization to a prosperous future in the stars!